Cloud Business Pages Share Discussion Forum
A discussion forum software is an indispensable feature in a Community Portal. Share thoughts, ideas, issues, knowledge and lots more. You can also be notified by email when a new reply has been posted to a topic
You can create as many topics and replies as you need in a project. This helps teams improve communication while leaving a record of those conversations.
Public forums are useful for gathering feedback and answering questions. Private forums are commonly used to aid discussion between large groups of people, often in remote locations
The discussion forum can be set up so that only approved users may access it. This feature provides users with the option to request a user name and password if they want to participate in discussions that require authentication of their identity.
It also provides the person monitoring the discussion with the power to accept or to deny the request for access. Discussions can be pre-defined or can be created by users. Main topics within each thread are grouped with their replies so that an entire conversation can be viewed separately from others
Easy-To-Use Interface
Threaded Hierarchy
File Attachments
Integrated Search
Secure Permissions
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