Cloud Business Pages Grievance
Cloud Business Pages Online Grievance Redressal Software allows managing the Grievances, that include online registration of grievance, routing it to respective department, manage communications between the person who raised it. The system will keep track end to end history of the case.
Online Grievience Redressal Module is a tracking tool that enables your team to track, route and manage queries. As a result, your organization will provide efficient, superior service raising satisfaction.
a. Trouble Ticket Numbering: Our solution will create unique ticket numbers for the
complaints/trouble tickets
b. Provision for Categorizing: Severity/ Priority based tagging facility is available
each tickets.
c. User Login: The Module allows external user login to the system and know the
status of the complaint he/she has raised. If the complaint is unaddressed over a
period of time, the user can follow up the same through the system.
d. Dash Board: The Module have user friendly dash boards to track complaints.
e. Communication Instrument: Online Grievance Redressal Module is having a provision
for communication through E-mail
f. Complaint History: In the application you can get the complete case history of each Grievances and other information's like Observations, Actions taken, complaint status, against each complaint etc. And also can identify frequent failure points.
General Features:
- Interaction Management: Multiple inward outward communication instruments and customization Templates.
- Communication in time: Communication in time is treated as Primary Key Control element.
- Access Control and Security: Built with Excellent Authentication and Access Control
- Escalations: Priority Based (Normal/High/Critical/Low)
- MIS & Reports: Extensive MIS and Reports: Department wise, Date wise, Location wise, Student wise, Docket Status wise (Eg. Submitted /Processing /Closed etc.)
- Search: Docket Number Basis/ Subject/ Body/ Keyword Basis
- Email alerts